Ross NW Watergardens

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Ross NW Watergardens is a Certified Wildlife Landscaper

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Note: The NWF has discontinued this program. We do, however, still design and install landscapes that are wildlife friendly.

Wildlife Friendly Landscape Designs

"Snakes were in the kitchen. Wild boar were roaming the streets, looking for dogs to kill."

One of my childhood friends had moved into a brand new house in the suburbs of Phoenix, AZ. Apparently the animals who had been living there had not gotten the memo. After a few months, however, they were all gone. They were killed or chased off and people could have their morning coffee without checking for snakes first. 

This story illustrates how our neighborhoods displace wildlife. What was living in your Portland neighborhood before you moved in? 

The good news is that, to a large extent, you can invite the wildlife back.  How?

Create A Certified Wildlife Habitat

To help people make their landscapes friendly to native animals, the National Wildlife Foundation, has a program that encourages practices that benefit the wildlife in your area.  Ross NW Watergardens is proud to be the first landscaper in Portland to be certified in the program!

What is a Certified Wildlife Habitat? 

A wildlife habitat is a landscape that gives animals what they need to survive. Some creatures are just passing through our neighborhoods. They need food and water. Others live in our landscaping. They also need shelter and a place to raise young. A Certified Wildlife Habitat provides these things, and is maintained in a way that does not harm animals. 

A true wildlife habitat will be free of invasive plant material and have many native plants.  See the slides below for more on native plant choices. Trees and dense shrubs can provide shelter.

If animals live in your yard- what will they eat and drink? Plants that produce fruit and edible seeds are a good start. Don't prune them at the wrong time and wildlife will have a buffet in your landscape. A birdbath, bioswale, rain garden, or water feature can provide drinking water for critters. 

Do you have a lawn that requires lots of chemicals and fertilizers? If so, are you willing to look at alternatives? Drought tolerant plants could help you reduce your water usage as well.

Yes, every area of your landscape will have to be considered! 

Interested in turning your yard or garden into an animal friendly haven? Contact Ross NW Watergardens for a free consultation!