Tree Sourcing For Portland Homeowners

We locate truly special specimen trees for your garden.


Are you looking for a mature tree for your landscape? Not just a mature tree, but a true specimen? Maybe with lots of character or specialty pruning?

Trees like this exist, if you know where to look and who to ask. We frequently plant large trees while installing our own landscape designs. Ove the years we have built a network of growers, nurseries, and brokers that help us find truly special trees. Now we can help you get one too.

How does our tree location services work?


Reach out to Ben Bowen using the contact form on this page. Ben will get back to you via email in 24-48 hours. He may have questions or some more information to share.

Pay a location fee. Depending on the tree(s) desired there will be a deposit between $300 and $600. This fee helps cover the time involved in finding your tree. If we can’t locate any good options for you we will refund the entire fee.

Review the tree options. Ben will usually present you with 2-5 trees to choose from. Pictures and descriptions, along with costs for the tree + delivery, are included.

Get ready for delivery. On delivery day the tree will be brought to your home. If we are planting your tree (not always an option) we will be on site to accept it. If you are planting your tree then you will need to be ready with equipment and enough people to move and plant the tree.


What kinds of trees do you have access to?

Anything that is grown in Oregon, Washington, or California. That is a lot of trees. Trees we have located previously include:

  • Pines pruned and shaped in the Japanese style.

  • Large Japanese maples of many varieties and style.

  • Styrax, Crepe Myrtle, and other showy ornamental trees.

  • Olive trees that are 75+ years old (and extremely cool).

What else should we know about your specimen tree service?

  • These are expensive trees. A 6’+ pine that has been shaped in the Japanese style will be over $2K, including delivery. Japanese maples that are 10’ tall and across will be $6K-$12K, depending on the variety and shape. Mature olive trees start around $8K, with delivery from California.

  • The location fee is refunded if I can’t present you with any options that are reasonably close to what you are looking for. If you choose not to purchase any of the offered trees the fee is not refunded.

  • There are no warranties on these large trees- unless I plant them and you have a professionally installed irrigation system. I only offer planting services in fall and winter, if my crews are available.

  • All trees come with planting and care instructions. I may be able to help you locate a crew that install the tree.

Specimen pine and olive trees located and installed by Ross NW Watergardens