Sustainable Garden On Lake Oswego

by Ben Bowen

On Lake Oswego there is a stretch of homes that are built over the water. Our client’s home sits mostly on piers and out at the street is a garage. Between the garage and the home is the garden. The garden is your approach to the home, your front yard, and your backyard all in one.

In 2009, Sada Uchiyama was hired to design this garden. It had a couple of mature trees but everything else was to be new. The front walkway and porch are natural stone. Some sizeable boulders anchor planting beds. A dry creek and pond handle runoff from the street, filtering it before it gets to the lake.

The custom fences and screens were all high grade cedar, which has held up very well with no sealing or staining. The plantings, many of them native, helped the garden feel mature from the day it was finished. Eventually the homeowner went through the process and had the garden certified as a wildlife habitat.

cedar screen landscape